Demonstration sites

LocalRES project includes four demonstration cases across Europe, where the LocalRES concept will be deployed:

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Kökar is a small archipelago municipality of Åland Islands with a total land area of 64 km². The population of Kökar island is officially 234 persons (2018), but the actual number of inhabitants ranges from 160-170 in wintertime to 1,000 in summertime. This island municipality is visited by around 18,000 tourists along the year, which results in high volatility and puts extra demand on the flexibility of the infrastructure. Kökar takes part in the CE4EUI (Clean Energy For EU Islands) and published its clean energy transition agenda in summer 2020. Furthermore, Kökar has been selected as one of 20 islands in Europe that will act as pioneers in the work of reducing CO2 emissions.

Country: Finland


Berchidda is a 3000 inhabitants village located on the southern slopes of Mount Limbara, in the north of Sardinia Island. The land covers approx. 201 km2 and it is located at an average altitude of 300 m, with a wide hilly area in a radius of almost 20km. The anthropic structures, vegetation and climatic conditions are typical for the inland areas of Sardinia, with average temperatures of 15°C.

Country: Italy


Ispaster is a small village located in the coast of Bizkaia, in the north of Spain. With a municipal area of 22 km², Ispaster has a population of 740 inhabitants, of which 350 are concentrated in the main neighborhood of Eleixalde.

Country: Spain


Ollersdorf ligger i sydöstra Österrike och har en befolkning på cirka 1 000 invånare. 200 av dem ingår redan i flera aktiviteter för att ytterligare öka integrationen av förnybara energikällor. Området ägnar sig mestadels åt jordbruk när det gäller ekonomisk aktivitet, och har inte några industrier.

Country: Österrike